Saturday, January 31, 2009

Prattville Alabama Visit, Part 2...

Here is your second installment of our Alabama visit as promised. Here are two pictures from a very interesting yard just around the corner from Kim's neighborhood. She was telling us about this guys yard and said "You just have to see it to really understand". Here is an article that was written about WC Rice, the man who made this attraction. He has since passed away but his family is keeping it going. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed driving by and snapping them.
Remember, Hell is HOT HOT HOT and there is "NO ICE WATER IN HELL"! You've been warned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mondo creepy. What a disturbed person... in pic 2 there's a huge sign SEX PIT ... wonder what the rest of it said? And that makes me wonder why he was so determined to be saved, what awful thing do you suppose he did?