Friday, August 20, 2010

99 Luftballons, Minus 93...

Some facts: I am from Ohio, North Canton Ohio to be exact. When people ask "Where is that" there are two ways to answer. I can either answer "The home of Marylin Manson" or if that doesn't work I say "The home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame" which I might add I am proud to say I have NEVER been to. On their site they actually state "The Pro Football Hall of Fame is close to everything!" Trust me when I say this is a bold faced LIE! Trust me. But I digress. Every year the city of Canton throws the Pro Football HOF Festival which is at the very end of July into the beginning of August. Among the many attractions is the Balloon Classic Invitational. I grew up seeing the sky filled with these magical delights. They even have Team Racing and Target Drop Contests. One year there was a target painted on the street in front of my house and I was in awe watching the balloons float over and try to drop a bean bag as close to the target as possible. Talk about magical!!

During this last festival my sister-in-law stepped out her door and snapped a great photo of some balloons coming her way. She sent the picture to my hubby in an email and that was it, he wanted me to make it into a painting.

(click on any image to make them larger if you wish)

Here she is! What do you think? do you love it?

The scene even wraps around the edge, cool eh?

Are you ready for a little secret?

Well scroll down...

Ta Da... Did you know it was that small? I bet you didn't.

It's so adorable I just love it. I still don't know how I was able to get all the detail in there. I mean, down spouting?!
I am working on a full size painting that measures 18" X 24" but it's not an exact copy of the small one, more of a dreamy translation. I hope that the big one turns out even half as good. Stay tuned to see if I can pull it off.

What kinds of projects are you all working on?

It's Good to Share...

I personally think that Facebook gets a bad rap. There are those that wrinkle their nose in disgust like they just smelled a decomposing corpse before I even finish the word. I don't know why that is really. I have found people from my past that I thought were long lost, I've gained many fabulous new friends that I would NEVER have met otherwise and get inspiration by what my creative lovelies are up to. Such a wealth of creativity going on out there in the world! People are inspiring me with everything from their Grand Everyday adventures, to new recipes, sharing music, places they've been or are going to and the list goes on and on.

The following is a just one shining example of just such a new connection. Here's a little bit of back story. For those of you wrinkle nosed Facebook haters, bare with me, will you?

I recently became Facebook Friends with a wonderful awe inspiring gal who currently resides in Alaska. She is a friend of my VERY close friend Erynne whom I consider my soul sister. Once we started peering in on each other's posts we soon discovered that we have so many things in common. She is fantastic! Among her many talents is Guerilla Art! Yes, Guerilla Art. She knits and crochets little things that she leaves in various locations around her town with a little note that says it needs a home. It's a wonderful idea. Wouldn't you feel better if you were walking into a building to let's say, visit the Dr. and on a ledge outside the office you came upon the most adorable little crocheted Lion who needed a home? I DARE you not to smile and feel better about the world at that very moment.

While organizing my Closet O' Doom I discovered some small remnant balls of yarn from projects past that would be perfect for her little knitting/crocheting Guerilla Art projects. So off in the mail they went, bouncing their way across the country to find new purpose in life. Low and behold before I could even ask if they made it safely I opened my door and there was a package. "What's this?" I asked.
It was from Alaska!! I GOT MAIL FROM ALASKA! Jealous? Oh you can admit it, I know you are. Inside was a card, handmade soaps AND a Bunny made from some of the very yarn I sent her. How friggin cool is that? She wrote "One good turn deserves another". I feel like the luckiest gal alive. The soaps smell divine and I can't wait to use them.
A closer view of my precious Bunny. Isn't it adorable?

My philosophy in life is simple...In order to get HAVE to send mail. In order to have great have to BE a great friend.

Mom, I'm sorry it took me so long to learn and practice what you had been preaching since I was little. Why is it that we have to learn these lessons ourselves? Why can't we sit quietly, listen to the wisdom of our elders and just say "Thank You". Well I'm saying it now, Thank You Momma Bean!!!!

Now go forth and SEND MAIL Baby! You'll be very excited by the response you get, I promise.