Saturday, January 31, 2009

I FOUND JESUS...and other antique mall finds...

Yes dear readers you read me correctly, I indeed Found Jesus! As it turns out he's actually painted on Velvet believe it or not and he too can be yours for 4 easy payment of $6! It's just that easy my friends! How cool is that? I really really regret now not picking it up when I was there. For any of you who know me even slightly well, you are well aware of my addiction to wandering around antique malls, and flea markets. They are essentially huge life size still life set ups that you can wander around in like a rat in a photo reference maze! I always take a camera and snap tons of pictures. I am continually amazed at what you can find there. Have you ever noticed that EVERY antique mall has a traffic light hanging inside that's for sale? What up with that? Anyways, I digress.

I don't truely fall in love with much of anything in antique malls. Not things that I feel I can't live with out but this Armoire I fell head over heels in love with. I adore it's shape and lines. I tell you if we had a house and I had a truck this baby would have been mine in a heartbeat. Don't worry, The Bear saw it first and he fell in love as well. Thankfully we have the exact same taste.
Now, this little beauty was a real inspiration. It was hanging from the ceiling and I could just picture my future little monster munchkins sitting in it while I told them stories of far off lands filled with court jesters and talking cats.

I don't know why but this chair really spoke to me. I'm not sure if it was a scarey voice or not but it was speaking none the less.

This table and chair set was spotted by The Bear and he fell deeply in love. I was wandering else where and heard behind me "Bean, I found our dining set my dearest"! Well it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to all those wonderful colors, but once they did I actually saw the beauty in them. I was coaxed into sitting and boy are these chairs actually really comfy, honest! I know that when we buy our house that these beauties will still be there and we'll be going back to pick them up. Really, trust me, they totally grow on ya.

Have I mentioned that Antique Malls have EVERYTHING? See the popcorn maker behind it?

Okay, I have saved the absolute best for last. It was so very hard to get a picture of this but I did my very best. Yes, this is a Toilet in a Phone Booth! Let me repeat that, a Toilet IN a Phone Booth! I mean you just don't see that every day do you?
So the next time you have a day off, go to an Antique Mall, you never know where that adventure will lead you. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Mohler, Rachel Mohler...

Okay, this was SOOOOOO cool that if I lived anywhere near here I would be there EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Here's the story, while touring Montgomery we visited the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art. It may have started out as "A Thing to Take Rachel to" but this place was so cool that we all enjoyed ourself.
There was a room that I wandered into that was all dark, like a theatre room but there was no movie playing. I stepped inside and all of a sudden an image of me popped up of the screen. As I moved it made weird psychodelic trailing images of me as I moved. It started off with one me then turned into 4 me's and the colors changed and morphed till I was giddy with delight. I began to strike poses and march infront of this huge screen utterly enjoying every moment. Naturally I had to strike a Charlie's Angels, Bond Girl type pose. I had Nathan snap this pic of me. I have a large sweater on with puffy sleeves if you were wondering. How cool is this by the way?
Here is a picture of Kim on the right and me on the left striking a pose together! I know, you are so utter jealous aren't you?

Prattville Alabama Visit, Part 3...

Actually I must state right off that these pictures are from our visit to Mongomery Alabama, not Prattville, just an FYI.
Okay, with that out of the way here we go. Kim and her boys Nathan and Wes took The Bear and I on a tour around Montgomery. Here are two views of the capital building. Gee, if it weren't for the southern accents wandering around I'd almost feel like I never left home here in DC!
I'm a sucker for marble steps.

Okay, here's an interesting shot. Like how I lined up the bell, the bust, the statue and the Archives Building? I'm very sorry to report that I was lagging behind the group too busy taking pictures to even take notice or hear what this bell was or who the bust and statue are of. So if your that interested you're just gonna have to google it on your own! Or take a trip down there and look for yourself! I'm not a tour guide, just a photographer who plays one on this blog :)

As we were wandering around the street aimlessly we came upon the Alabama Cattlemen's Association. Now, The Bear became very excited as there was a sign for a museum there but his excitement quickly turned to disappointment as it was just a Children's Interactive Learning Center and NOT a Museum as it stated. Oh well, there's a child in us all, right?

Outside the Archives Building was a large bronze map of Alabama that had little pictures all over it of famouse people, places and events on it. I know what your thinking, "GET OFF THE MAP" right? Well dear reader I am here to report that you are indeed allowed to walk all over it. There is a sign that states this so don't go scolding the big kids just yet.

Yep, I stepped on the map myself to take this pic for ya'll!

Of course one of the first things The Bear noticed on this map was survey related. He actually got giddy, tapped my shoulder while pointing "Hey they're surveying the Ellicott Line"! He's so cute when it comes to surveying.
More pics to come in a bit so tune back in to the next episode of Prattville Alabama!

Prattville Alabama Visit, Part 2...

Here is your second installment of our Alabama visit as promised. Here are two pictures from a very interesting yard just around the corner from Kim's neighborhood. She was telling us about this guys yard and said "You just have to see it to really understand". Here is an article that was written about WC Rice, the man who made this attraction. He has since passed away but his family is keeping it going. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed driving by and snapping them.
Remember, Hell is HOT HOT HOT and there is "NO ICE WATER IN HELL"! You've been warned.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prattville Alabama Visit, Part 1...

The Bear and I returned on Saturday from a week long visit to Prattville Alabama. Why Prattville you say? Well that is where The Bear's sister Kim and her family live, Yeah :) !!! Our visit was wonderful, just the break that we needed. We escaped the DC area during the onslaught of people making the pilgrimage for the inauguration. Anyways, on to our trip, this is post part one... Welcome to Prattville! I just love a small town that flies flags down mainstreet, don't you? Prattville is known as the Fountain City because of it's numerous artesian springs.

Daniel Pratt meet my readers, readers, meet Daniel Pratt (founder of Prattville)!

Now Kim was sorry that the fountain was not on for our visit but I told her not to worry, I would insert water into the picture somehow. Well there was a drinking fountain that was running so I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get running water in this shot. What do you think? Pretty cool eh?

Here is a picture of the waterfall in front of the now closed cotton mill. I never pass up an opportuntiy to photograph things through iron fences!

We ate lunch at this lovely little bistro. The food was really good. I never thought of putting shaved coconut on a salad before but now I think I'm addicted! Yummers.

Way more photos to come! And of course Part 2 of our Bama visit.

FINALLY, a Snow Day...

This was the view I woke up to this morning at 7am. How exciting! Oh how I sat here and wished so hard that we would have snow for Christmas but alas I think my wish got hung up in cyberspace and was delayed in getting to Mother Nature's inbox till now. 7am, empty birdfeeder. Sorry little wooodland creatures.
7am, street view. Not totally covered yet and I can still see some tufts of grass through the snow.

9am, Full bird feeder. I put seed on the ground but it was quickly covered up so I had to resort to putting some seed on the concrete porch. No takers yet. I think they we all sleeping in!

9am, Street view. Road is totally covered no grass poking through. The Bear and I just watched as the cars gingerly sled down the hill and "bumped" into one another. No loud crashes just nice little "Oh Crap" sliding down the hill into and intersection "Love Taps".
I know for those of you back in my home town in Ohio who are under a foot of snow and have had some crazy winter weather this year, that this little itty bitty amount of snow must seem like an un-blog worthy topic but hey, it's my blog and I'm excited darn it! :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Celebration Jennifer...

My wonder gal pal Jennifer has been (whether she knows it or not) an inspiration for me to pick up an art supply and just get to it.

I was invited to her party on January 10th and oh what a wonderful time it was. The women I met there were a joy. I've never seen a group of women have such a great time mingling and chatting. The food was beyond out of this world! Thanks babe for inviting me, I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
Here is Jennifer at her party surrounded by a huge pile of love from the dear ones in her life.

Here is evidence that Jennifer was a creative inspiration. She is a huge Foodie so I took that idea and ran with it. I chose to do a small colored pencil drawing for her of a Pomegranate which symbolizes Hope and Prosperity, which is what I wish for her in this new year and new life.

Congrats my dear, I wish you a new year filled with excitement around every corner!