I don't truely fall in love with much of anything in antique malls. Not things that I feel I can't live with out but this Armoire I fell head over heels in love with. I adore it's shape and lines. I tell you if we had a house and I had a truck this baby would have been mine in a heartbeat. Don't worry, The Bear saw it first and he fell in love as well. Thankfully we have the exact same taste.
Now, this little beauty was a real inspiration. It was hanging from the ceiling and I could just picture my future little monster munchkins sitting in it while I told them stories of far off lands filled with court jesters and talking cats.
I don't know why but this chair really spoke to me. I'm not sure if it was a scarey voice or not but it was speaking none the less.
This table and chair set was spotted by The Bear and he fell deeply in love. I was wandering else where and heard behind me "Bean, I found our dining set my dearest"! Well it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to all those wonderful colors, but once they did I actually saw the beauty in them. I was coaxed into sitting and boy are these chairs actually really comfy, honest! I know that when we buy our house that these beauties will still be there and we'll be going back to pick them up. Really, trust me, they totally grow on ya.
Have I mentioned that Antique Malls have EVERYTHING? See the popcorn maker behind it?
Okay, I have saved the absolute best for last. It was so very hard to get a picture of this but I did my very best. Yes, this is a Toilet in a Phone Booth! Let me repeat that, a Toilet IN a Phone Booth! I mean you just don't see that every day do you?
So the next time you have a day off, go to an Antique Mall, you never know where that adventure will lead you. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.