Friday, September 04, 2009

Kindred Pen Spirits and My Beloved...

Some of you may know about my pen addiction. Yes that's right, I LOVE pens, all shapes, sizes, colors, ball points, gel, fountain, it doesn't matter. If it has ink and it's used for writing then I need it. I have a problem I know. The Bear actually has been known to break out into huge fits of laughter when an unsuspecting person innocently asks Do you have a pen? Why yes I do. What kind would you like?

When I was little, I'm talking before I even knew what letters were, I would fill whole notebooks with scribbles pretending I was writing the Great American Novel just so I could use a pen. Yeah, It's that bad. Hello, I'm Rachel and I'm a pen addict.

Oh get on with it already. Yeah yeah. Well while the Moleskiners were here visiting me, we found a shop called "The Pen Haven". How could we NOT go. That is where I found THE Pen. This is Burton or Bert as he likes to be called. We are kindred pen spirits. He totally gets me. We were having a great time, chatting about all kinds of things. Like for example, did you know that Bert used to be an Architect? No, of course you didn't, but now you do! Well when I walked into his shop I think I heard angels singing. As I stepped up to the case a ray of light came down from above and there she was.

Here's Barb testing her out. See Barb, doesn't she write so smoothly?

We all lined up as Bert was letting us play with some of his lovely pens. He showed me a couple other ones just to make sure that it was true love.

Nope, my mind was made up. "I wouldn't dream of trying to suggest another pen" Bert lovingly said "I can see this is the only one for you". I think the giddy smile on my face says it all!
Bert said that it needed a new ink bladder and that he would put in himself and also give it a good shine then mail it to me. So sadly I had to leave the shop without it that day but I do think that anticipation is half the fun so I patiently awaited my beloved's arrival by post.

On time and as promised she arrived safely to my door. Isn't she beautiful?

No really take a good look! She's gorgeous, no?

Outdoor photo shoot in the setting sun. I'm sure by now my neighbors think I'm totally nuts but who the heck cares when you're this excited about stuff, right?

Some lucky person will be recieving my hand designed postcard pictured here. I thought it made for a loverly backdrop.
So folks, what kinds of "office supply" addictions do you have? Is it also pens? Or perhaps post-its, mechanical pencils, funky colored staples perhaps? Let's have it, what gets you all giddy like a school girl?


Shannon MacGrogan-Ellis said...

She's beeyoootiful! I'm happy for you both! :D I love all office supplies, but I think I like the containers and organizers the best. Vain hopes of becoming organized....

Daithi O'Caiside said...

Can't wait to see how she writes! Love the story. So many old fountain pens with history have been discard for the bic. Glad you're still keeping them alive

Unknown said...

Way cool! Shiny like a holiday :) I love Sharpies! loooove Sharpies... now I wanna go play with my Sharpies!

Barb said...

Ahhhh, I love re-living the moment through the pics! Bert was so cute and funny. The perfect protagonist for The Story of the Pen. Congrats again!

Nathan Mollet said...

Im not too specific on my pens but it better be a clickey pen or my ass isn't gonna write anything! If your in your office, throw that cheap ass non-clickey pen away and get ya a clickey from the supply closet, atleast you can click it if you get bored.

Pam Aries said...

THat is one 'hot' pen !!!!!