After walking around town, that evening we went out to the grocery store. Now, I must take a moment to point something out. You know how we as Americans sometimes generalize the Irish with things like "Rachel, did you see any Lepricons?" Well dear reader I am here to say that the following picture had me first perplexed then in an eye roll, then in a belly laugh. No wonder people in other countries think we are all fat and lazy!
Intruducing "The Hot Dog IN A CAN". Let me repeat that A HOT DOG IN A CAN!!!!!! Oh dear God, really? I mean it's labeled AMERICAN STYLE. Do they honestly think that we eat hot dogs out of a can? Blek!!!
As if hot dogs in a can weren't bad enough, here is a frozen hot dog complete WITH BUN! Yes it's a prepackaged hot dog ready to eat with the friggin bun! Now, I don't know about you but okay I admit, I have been known to eat some hot dogs in my day straight from the microwave but don't you think that the bun would heat up well before the hot dog was ready? Hmm, that's some weird science they got going on here. I think I'll stick to the bunless, and canless variety thank you very much.
Hmm, I always thought these were Zucchini.
If you'll take a moment to zoom in on the picture and read the label you'll notice that everything can be "traced" back to it's origin. You can see who raised this chicken and even venture down to the farm it came from if you so chose. I think that this is brilliant. We really need to think about doing this here in the states. People make fun of us for being so wasteful but really we don't have the tools in place to make these better choices like other countries do.
Kim my dear I busted out laughing right in the middle of the store when I saw this steamer! This picture is just for you so have yourself a good giggle! I sure did.
As I stood in the Pet aisle I was really struck by just how happy all the pets looked. Boy, I want to be as happy as this pup. Do you suppose that there's a "special" ingredient in there somewhere?
Mmmm, white and black pudding. Mmmm, nuff said!
The evening ended with Erynne and David cooking me the most wonderful meal I think I've ever had. There is nothing more tastey than a meal made by friends with love in every stir. I ate a huge plate, every bite! The Bear would have been so proud of me, watching me eat a "normal" size meal. I love you Erynne and David, you really know how to make a gal feel at home. Oh, and David, you need to forward on that recipe to me so I can relive that memory and share it with the Bear!