Even on a rainy day you can find things to do. Sometimes it turns out not to be so wet after all. I had been to Mount Vernon before but didn't realize till this second trip that I had actually only seen half of the property. Yeah I know, how crasy is that? We (my fabulous friend Leah and I) toured the house this time and it was amazing, even though there was no photography allowed, poo poo.
We walked around in our raincoats among the intermitant drizzle. Can you belive some tourists arrived with no coat or umbrella? The property is beautiful with fruit orchards, gardens, and even some animals including these cows which are called Milking Derns. They are a beautiful rusty red color. They just look so majestic out in that pature.
George is laid to rest on the property, located on the side of the hill in the woods. It's very peaceful but I am thankful that I am not a famous person so that when I am finally laid to rest I can lay in peace and not have people stopping by to visit at all hours every day of the year. A woman needs her beauty rest!
The flower gardens are lovely even in the drizzle. The colors always amaze me. Being a person that can not seem to grow even the simplest of herbs, which The Bear calls my weeds, I really appreciate a good flower garden. I look on with envy knowing my wonderfully green thumbed gal E would be secretly snapping off clipping to add to her thriving collection of plants!
I wish the sun had come out for just a moment so that this shot would really have sung for you but this was as good as it was going to get that day. I just love this view. Hopefully someday I will have a little english garden area out my back patio to sit and sip tea among the flowers that I will obviously have to enlist a professional to grow for me! Cheers. Hope you enjoyed this little tour of Mount Vernon. If you ever have the chance you must go!