Monday, October 19, 2009

Mmmm, Maple Roasted Chicken...

First I feel that I must address my month long absence. I'm so very sorry. It seems like it's either feast (hee hee) or famine around here. For that I'm sorry, if you are one of the few readers I have left, I thank you from the bottom of my blogger heart.

Okay, let's do this thang!

You must know by now how I just LOVE making new recipes. Recently when I was flipping through a magazine (I think Real Simple?) I found the most easy and yummy sounding recipe. It looked so simple and delish that I went straight to store and grabbed the ingredients. Oh it really smelled wonderful. Too bad we don't yet have Smell-O-Blog.
This recipe for Maple Syrup Roasted Chicken with Sweet Potato and Onion is one that I feel EVERYONE of you should make. Any recipe that is Bear approved I immediately make some of my famous Recipe PostCards and mail them to family and friends. If you did not recieve one and would like me to pop one in the mail to you, PLEASE let me know!

As I was pulling the gorgeous dinner out of the oven I heard a little pitter patter coming to get a better sniff. Aw, I thought, how sweet.

Well stupid me, she was just taking the opportunity to bring me a present, that she wanted me to give right back of course. Indian Giver!

1 comment:

Pink Coffee Beans said...

That looks delicious! Did it take long to make?