Saturday, January 13, 2007

Well, it has been a long time now hasn't it?

I can't believe that it's been this long since I have been here. So much has happened since we last talked. In October we started our own surveying company, which means that we are happily working our butts off for ourselves now. We are really enjoying it. Brian is happier than I have seen him in years so I know we have done the right thing. I am even creating again. I have decided to make time for myself so I can maybe paint again. I haven't painted anything in almost 10 months. Today is the first day my muse came back. I can't wait for the gesso to dry on the canvas so I can jump right in! Jeffee you had a lot to do with her coming back, for that I thank you babe. I can't wait to post a picture of the finished painting soon. Also this month marks the 11th month of me being a non smoker! Celebrating all around. Look for this year to be a great one!