This year is only days away from closing out and sadly I have been away from you dear readers for some time. For that I do apologize but I promise, it was for a good reason.
You see, I have been working on what is my largest handmade project to date...
If you know our history you know we move at relatively a snail's pace.
Bear / Bean
11yrs old/6yrs old (when we met. I moved in right next door)
22/17 (we decided we liked each other enough to start dating)
27/22 (yep, we liked each other well enough, so we married)
38/34 (after nearly 12yrs this marriage thing is perdy cool so why not try parenting)
On October 3rd 2011 we got the little "yep I think that's a baby" positive pregnancy test!
This is a picture of "Button" at 12 weeks and already a huge Thumb Sucker!
Here I am first at 11wks at Thanksgiving. Button is the size of a Lime. Then there I am at 15wks on Christmas morning. Button has graduated to a Navel Orange!
I think this is my favorite picture so far. A last minute hey lets hold the orange here, kind of shot. I'm loving every minute so far. All tests indicate that Button is healthy and growing well. I am doing wonderfully having had no morning sickness at all. My Dr. winked and told me not to tell that to anyone ;) The only symptom I had was EXTREME exhaustion. Bear said he knew I was pregnant even before the test because as he put it "No one over the age of 5 falls asleep at 7pm" There were whole months when I didn't even finish one TV show in the evening. There were days I slept 12hrs straight plus a nap in the afternoon, but I'll take that over morning sickness any day.
I'm happy to report that I've gotten most of my energy back, no naps and I can stay awake till nearly 10pm now!!
As this belly rounds out I just get happier and happier.
On January 24th we hopefully find out if Button is a boy or a girl! Feel free to weigh in in the comments section below wether you think Button's a He or a She. The votes have already started rolling in.
Button is tentatively due to be unwrapped June 15th 2012
(we all know how due dates are)