Self Portrait Friday
The concept that a "Self Portrait" doesn't have to be a picture of your face is one that fascinates me. What makes me, me? If I had to take a picture that represented a part of "me" what might that be?
Let's start with socks. I love socks. Fun Socks, toe socks, striped socks, knee socks, etc.
I am so known for socks that I was given the nickname Socks by my best friends.
Socks can take an ordinary outfit and make it an extraordinary statement! I'm not one to walk about life anonymous or understated and socks are one way to make a personal statement.
If I were a museum, this would be just one of many many exhibits.
What kind of Non Self Portrait Portrait would you be?
Probably a sewing machine. I love them and somehow now collect them. Who needs 4 antique machines??
You rock my dear.
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