On April 18th just an average Saturday in the Bean and Bear cave, tummies started to grumble. A decision was made. The Bear would go out in search of food to bring back to his family.
While the Bear was out something caught his eye. The most beautiful color yellow! It was so beautiful that he knew he had to bring it back to the cave and give it to his Bean, for she loved all things of colorful beauty.
Upon his return to the cave Bean squealed with delight and lept with joy at not only how beautiful the gift was but that the Bear had thought of her while out and for no special reason at all had brought her this gift of color.
Wanting to capture this color for ever, Bean ran outside with her camera to capture it in natural light. "Hmmm, that's interesting" she thought, "my toes are the same color"!
Everyone enjoyed the gift, even the couple's baby Beanie. Just goes to show you how one simple little act and a splash of color can make everyone's day special. Try it sometime! It can be someting as simple as sharing a color!
That is SO sweet!
Aw, I don't need sugar in my coffee now!
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