Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Punkin Fun...

Fall is the best time for taking pictures. There's just so many fun things going on.
We took Saige to a local Pumpkin Farm the other weekend and she picked out a few tiny pumpkins. We pet some animals and even took a hayride! 


And you simply have to have a costume even if you are too little for Trick or Treating!
Her Grandma (my mother) came for a weekend visit and we carved pumpkins together. 
Here she is posing with her Grandma's Owl Pumpkin.

And here she is posing with my Sugar Skull Pumpkin. 
I would have liked to take the pictures later when the pumpkins could have been lit but you work with what you got. And when your 16mth old is cooperating you don't ask her to wait a few hours.

Here's what they look like lit up! Pretty cool eh?

She LOVES the great outdoors SO much that every evening weather permiting we go outside to wander 'round the yard. So as a reward after the photo shoot we were off to go see the turkeys. 

Each night she visits them. The two Toms are her buddies and they even will fly over the fence to hang out with her. Don't worry, I'm always right there incase they get too close but they never do. They are very friendly.

And finally, here she is nabbing strategically placed pieces of fruit from the table while my mother and I carve our pumpkins. 
Letting her "steal" fruit this way makes her extremely happy, like she's getting away with something. And boy can she eat her weight in fruit!

See, isn't Fall Time the BEST?
Did you carve a pumpkin this year? If so, what image did you carve?

1 comment:

Erynne said...

Okay, I have four sugar skull patterns and one of my own from me own heid -I refuse to google for help so we will see how bad my FIVE punkins turn out!