Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 27 is a...Cauliflower?

Howdy dear readers. Wow, 2 posts in as many days? I'm on fire. Well, don't get too used to it since we'll be moving soon. Yes, we're moving again but this time it's pretty permanent as we've bought the house! Yeppers, first time Home Buyers but that's a story for another day.

As many of you out there are experiencing, Spring has come early this year. The weather is warm, all the flowering trees are in FULL Bloom. So you know what that means...

Break out the Flip Flops!!!!

These are my new loverly Apt9 flip flops from Kohls and I'm in love. So in love actually that I went back and bought another pair in black. I would have loved to have had brown as well but they don't come in brown :(
I love their vintage flapper feel.

So, on to what you've all been waiting for, my monthly belly pic!

Well here you go!!
(and no I don't "feel" nearly as pregnant as I look. WOW! What a BELLY!)

And to think, I've still got 3 whole months to go!

Yep, it's week 27 already. And YES I am still wearing the same white shirt I've been in from the beginning. Though due to the warm weather I haven't actually put this shirt on since last month's photo shoot. It will be interesting to see if I can still squeeze into it come next month. Probably, but there may be some belly peaking out below it at that point ;)

Button is supposed to be about 15inches long and weighing in at a little over 2lbs at this point. I'm not sure about you but I've never seen a Cauliflower that big. Another interesting fact about Button at this stage is that any day now she'll begin to open her eyes. Kinda cool and creepy all at the same time.

Happy Vernal Equinox Everyone!
Let those pedicures out to play.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dam! And a Round Belly...

St. Patty's Day for us began with Bear wanting to go for a drive and explore a new place called Prettyboy Resevoir near Baltimore. We took back roads and wandered thru some of our favorite little towns. It was a gorgeous day for it.
(all of the following pictures are curtesy of the Bear. He played photographer for the day)

This was our first view after parking the car and walking up.
Looking down over the edge! Weeeee!

View from the other side. Nice perspective!
Okay, I took this one. Say cheese!
And here I am at 27 weeks. 3 more months till we get to finally meet Button!
I remembered to wear green ;)
It was such a lovely day and I was feeling so good we decided to walk all the way down the stairs to get a better view. So glad we did. The roar of the water and the moisture in the air reminded us of our visit to a waterfall in the mountains of Nevada. Such good times.

The force of the water is amazing. I wish I could have this sound in my bedroom to sleep by at night.
And here we are back where we started. See those stairs to the left of my hand? Yeah, we walked all the way down them and back up again! So proud of my 6month pregnant self! Go me!
What a wonderful day this was. Perfect spring weather and enough smiles to go around for everyone. We knew we needed to take advantage since soon it won't be so easy to just get in the car and go do something like this.