Yay! I am sooo excited to announce that Rachel In Full Color has gone interactive! Yuppers that's right folks. Here's what's going on and how it works. I have made a fun piece of mail and you my friend have a chance to WIN it! You heard right! The contest is open to EVERYONE! I'm going to pose a question and you just post a comment here on the blog answering that question. I'll pick one and then send you your prize!!!!!
Here's the front of the card. The Bn in the upper left stands for "Bean", my nickname.
When you open it up there's a little creative calendar for September!
When you pull out the card there are some dates circled and on the left are suggestions for something new or fun to do on those days to help keep you creative and enjoying life!
And of course here's the back.
I got so excited about creating something for this GiveAway that I made a couple extra items! BONUS! How exciting is that eh?
You thought they were envelopes did you? Well they are and they aren't. They are notes that fold up and become their own envelope! Aren't they the cutest?
I have decided that these will be sent out to the runners up. Hopefully the lucky winners will use them to send to a loved one to inturn brighten their day!
Okay, are you ready for your question?
WHAT DOES GETTING A "just because" OR "thinking of you" LETTER IN THE MAIL MEAN TO YOU?
Good Luck. I look forward to reading your answers be they heartfelt, a memory, unique or just plain funny.
This contest will close at Midnight this Wednesday August 19 and the winner will be announced Thursday!
Boo ya first one... I WIN the free shit!!!! In your face losers!!!
Unfortunately I am going to give you an answer like I always gave on essays in school. I'm going to avoid the question with questions of my own! What is my relationship like with this person? Did we part on good or bad terms? Do I really want to see this person again? Then im going to ask, Why the hell didn't they hit me up on twitter/myspace/facebook so everyone else can see that i really do have friends! Because now I feel obligated to send back something in the mail to them, but I wasn't wise enough to buy a forever stamp back in May so now I have to pay the 44 cents just to let them know that I received their cry for attention.
There hope that give ya a laugh! Good night!
It means that I get to have a wonderful surprise that makes me smile big. I get to have something positive in the big stack of junk and bills. There is nothing like a beautiful card peeking out at you from the mess of plain white envelopes.
I have a boyfriend that sends me postcards when he travels. I find myself going to the mailbox more than once a week these days. I look for something colorful amongst the junk mail and fliers. It gives me butterflies in my stomach that sends a smile to my face. I put the postcard on the fridge until the next one arrives.
I love mail from you! It always makes my day. I never have won a contest and this seems to be the most important one to try and win. This is the most priceless piece of winnings anyone could ever enter a contest for.
I get reminded of the days when I would get real letters from my pen pal (who I met once in a toy store, we both were looking at the Breyer horses). Or from my best friend in Florida who moved away in 2nd grade. Or when I moved away from home and my mother and I would send letters - pre internet days! Ireland doesn't get as much junk mail so we can go a week without 'post' sometimes. I always know someone is thinking of me far away. I'm also dead impressed as I'm a lazy bum who can't even get birthday cards out on time!
Hi Ya! THat's really cool...I love giveaways..I have them on my blog sometimes too!
Ohh.. I forgot to answer the question...! I love getting mail , especially 'cause I just mmoved here a few months ago and it is so cool to get artsy fun mail from friends. It makes me happy as soon as I see something addressed to moi !
I first have to check what day it is is this my birthday is it christmas it has to be a holiday i never get mail then when i open it i find out its a thinking of you mail then i wonder what they are buttering me up for im such a pessimist i eventually get a warm fuzzy feeling that oh someone cares about me. KIM
Just because mail can mean I'm not forgotten if I haven't heard from someone in a long time. It can also be the pick me up we all need sometimes after a long or trying day, or week or whatever. It can also just make me smile and want to spread the joy. That's the best cause the fun can keep going on.
Boy, I just love getting "real mail" but even better than getting it is sending someone "real mail"!
Great idea Rachel! Love the blog girl!
Hi again..I think it's funny that we both have our feet in our banners!
oops...that was me , not anonymous
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