Okay, I'm going to confess something here to you, my lovely and deeply devoted blog followers, that my dearly beloved husband aka The Bear recently brought to light to my fellow Moleskine members. The question was posed "How many finished sketchbooks do you have"? Innocent enough of a question, you'd think. Well the group went around and rattled off various numbers and when it was my turn to answer I meekly, with eyes averted replied "None". Yes that's right, you heard correctly, none, zip, zero, nada. The Bear just smirked and nodded his head, proud of himself for bringing to light my dirtly little secret. You see, my mother was one of the members of this group and he knew that this would get her all riled up and on my creative case. Thanks a lot you tattle tail. Didn't
your mother ever tell you that wasn't nice? ;)
Now, I must give a little bit of background so that just maybe you'll understand this little blip in my character. I have a problem, a sketchbook, paper, pen and creative process problem. I have TONS of sketchbooks. All shapes, sizes, colors and types of paper. One for every mood I have had or will have. It's the same with pens but
that is a whole nother story for another day!
I start working in a new sketchbook and all is going along just fine and dandy. I get some sketches in it and they look fabulous, I feel proud and then
BAM, I get intimidated by my
own work and think that I can't possibly continue to do such a good job. What if the next pages are a bust and just don't look good. What if people see what I've been doing and think,
man this girl sucks. I know, I know, sketchbooks are for sketching, they are for all those little thoughts, notes and scraps of ideas to be chewed on till they spring to life later when they've fully formed. No one has to see my sketchbook unless I want them to, but that's not what my inner critic is constantly trying to shout in my ear. I have a hard time letting a piece of art that's not quite perfect, live long in this world.
Well I have decided to turn over a new leaf now that my secret is out. Thank you Bear for blabbing and setting me free! It's very liberating to know that I no longer have to hide my shame. Phew, this feels so good! I'm going to fill this current Moleskine till I hit the last page! Yep, that's right, no ripping out of pages (which I NEVER do), no starting over with a new one just because one page doesn't go as planned. Loosen up, and just do it! I'm posting this in hopes that you my loyal blog readers will help to keep me honest and on track.
What's with the title of this post anyways, you are asking? What is a Draw Break? Well, among my fellow Moleskiners we give eachother what we refer to as a "Draw Break". That is where you either send a note, email or phone call randomly and out of the blue to say "Draw Break". The rules of Draw Break are simple. Once someone has tasked you with one, at the soonest possible moment you must reach for your moleskine and draw something, anything, where ever you are, of what ever you see, then you date it and write who tasked you with that Draw Break. So with that said, the Fabulous Barb called me last week and at the end of the phone call just before she hung up she said "Oh yeah, and Rachel? Draw Break".
And here it is in progress. I started it after our phone call and finished it while in the car waiting for a friend to arrive for a lunch date. It had been some time since I had actually sketched so this was just what I needed to give me that kick in the pencil case so to speak!
Also it was a great reminder that even 5 minutes in the car is a perfect time for getting in some sketch time.
Do you have a sketchbook? When do you sketch? What was the last thing that you drew? How does working in your sketcbook make you feel? I'd love to hear about the kind of relationship you have with your sketchbook.
Now, dear reader, "DRAW BREAK"!!!!!!!