After New Grange, we got back into the mini and headed off to Trim, destination Bill and Olga's house. They were so wonderful to put us up for the night so that we would be able to get to the Dublin Airport early in the morning.
And here are the lovely, wonderful Bill and Olga!! We all went out to dinner together and had a wonderful meal.
David took this photo of me during dinner. I did not realize until after my trip was over and I was back home going through the pictures David gave me that I had been sitting under this sign! The restaurant was decorated for the upcoming Valentines holiday.
After dinner we walked through town. I know I have been talking about castles but this one really truly took my breath away. This is what we walked by on the way to the pub.
This is just a picture of the sign that was out front.
This is Trim Castle. Interesting side note that no one told me at the time, they used this castle in the film Braveheart! Anyways, I digress. As we walked around Trim Castle, in the dark lit up it all seemed so magical. This castle's curtain wall is HUGE. Imagine, people live here and walk/drive by this every day on their way to work! How utterly unspeakably cool is that?
Really, I just can't capture this well enough to give you even the slightest twinge of how it felt to be standing there.
That would be us (minus David) walking from dinner on our way to the pub NEXT TO A CASTLE! Yeah, A CASTLE!
Again, how cool is this photo? Thank you David for this photo. I take back all those comments I made about you lagging behind us! :) No hard feelings I hope!
How could the night get any better you ask? Oh it can my friend, it can! We all went to Bill and Olga's favorite pub. We settled in for a wonderful time of great friends, great drinks and GREAT music!
Again, me with a "glass" and Erynne with a "pint"!
For those of you Moleskiner's out there here is proof that, yes I took it with me on my trip and yes I did write in it! See, there's the moleskine with pages open and pen in hand. Barb, do you notice what pen that is?
Here I am when we first arrived at the pub, and here is the musical group behind me. There is one guys you can't see, he's behind my head.
This is where the night gets magical and teary. Sadly as the night went on there were moments when I sat back in my seat quietly observing my friends, and the full weight of my trip and being with my best friend in the whole world would wash over me. I became very aware in those quiet moments that my time here was coming to an end in only a few short hours. As the music played and people were singing Olga, Erynne and I gathered by the bar infront of the musicians and were swept away by the beauty of it all.
Then the tears came. As us girls stood together it started. I got a lump in my throat, and my vision blurred and I became unable to hold it back. All it took was one look from Erynne and I let loose. The tears streamed down my face and there was no hiding it. I regret that I do not know the man's name that was singing that night but when he noticed my tears he inquired as to what the occasion was. Erynne explained my situation and that I was to leave for home the very next morning. He took one look at us and began to sing. They played the song No Woman No Cry to me. As they sang they changed the lyrics to "No Lassie Go Home". Olga leaned over and grabbed my hand and held it as Erynne hugged and held on to me. I tell you dear readers that I truly have NEVER felt so loved in my entire life. I sit here and type this blog entry with tears in my eyes again from the memory of that all enveloping love of that evening. I wish that each and every one of you feel that kind of love atleast once in your life.
I was so moved that before the evening was over I sat and wrote a note of thanks to the man who serenaded me letting him know in a few words as best I could just how special he helped to make my last night in Ireland. He hugged me and said that was the best compliment he had ever been paid. Please, if someone moves you in your life, never miss the opportunity to say thank you.
Sadly I do not have a video of that special No Woman No Cry song they sang me ( I was too busy crying) but I did take a short video of him singing another song. I didn't catch the very beginning but I hope you'll enjoy it as a brief look into that magical evening. Hopefully it will in some small way help to show you what magical adventures you can have if you just take the time to say yes and step out your door. Please take a moment to go and watch the video My YouTube Video
Completely bawling... hope I don't short out the keyboard... Thank you my dearest one, I really wish you were here all the time! I miss you so much. And Lokii is STILL wanting to play the staircase game with you! I didn't read this one yesterday as I just knew I'd be in tears, even before your government safety warning! Love you to bits & come back ANYTIME - bring the Bear too, he would love it here!
Hi Rachel, Olga here. Saw David & Eyrnne over the weekend and they told us about your blog. Wow, you're talented girl. Anyway, I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to Trim. Reading your words, I'm seeing my home town in a new light. And we went back to Regans pub but there was no singing. I think we made an impression the night we were there...... So, are you bringing your man over in September for our wedding. You know you'd be more than welcome.
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