This past weekend the Bear and I walked along one of our favorite trails The BlueBell Trail. You may remember it from such posts as
Cherry Blossoms, Blue Bells and Easter Eggs Oh My! This visit was a good one because of all the tiny little things that just kept catching my eye. The idea was of course to walk at a swift pace and get some excercise in but I kept stopping so often to take pictures that not many calories got burned that day. The pics were worth it though, I hope!
Can you see the little toadie in the left half of the picture? He is literally the size of one segment of you little finger!
This little guys was the same size, just a different color. A large tractor had gone down the path at some point and made ruts that had then gathered the rain water. These tiny little toadies were living around them and you could see the tadpoles that were swiming around. What a tiny magical little world they live in.
Speaking of tiny magical worlds. Also all along the trail were mushrooms of all shapes and colors. They were also all very very small. I had to set my camera down on the ground to take many of these pictures.
Can't you just imagine the little fairies that must come out at night when no humans are around to play amongst these wonderous little fungi?
They are little landscapes all their own. I hope you enjoyed this little hop down the mushroom trail. We certainly did!