Thursday, July 26, 2012

Button arrives...

First, please bear with me as I'm trying out a new app on my iPad in order to post this to my blog. I hope if all goes well I'll be posting more often and keeping you all up to date easier. Fingers crossed...

Boy does time fly by when your little one arrives. It's hard for me to believe that as I sit here and type this I have a little 8lb, 5week old bundle of awesome sleeping on my chest. The rhythmic sound of her breathing is music to a mommy's ears. But I digress. 

The last few weeks before Button arrived were uncomfortable to say the least. As her due date came and went it seemed that everyone became impatient, even the folks at the local grocery store "you STILL haven't had that baby?". I actually avoided that store till after she was born because I was tired of the looks and questions. I wanted to shout "isn't it obvious????" I waddled uncomfortably, to the point that even my mother would giggle. Most nights were spent shifting from side to side uncomfortably and ultimately ending up on the couch propped up due to terrible reflux. I was a very patient pregnant lady but come a week over due I was ready to have this baby. 

My mother took this pic of me. As you can see even Beanie was done waiting.

Since I was overdue I was scheduled to go to the hospital to be induced on Friday June 22nd (one week after my due date). 
The following 2 pictures were taken the morning I went to the hospital. 

The next day was to be her Birthday!

All day Friday was spent getting meds, walking the halls of the hospital and being on monitors. Nothing was happening. Nothing more frustrating than being the center of attention, all eyes on you and having no control over any of it.
 "you feeling anything yet" "how about now"

That evening I sent my mother and Bear home to get some sleep while I received a different med over night and tried to get some sleep myself. I downloaded a white noise app onto my iPad and did my best to get sleep despite being woken up every hour by the automatic blood pressure cuff. A hospital is no place to get sleep. As my Dr. put it, it's a bad hotel at best.  6am the next morning I was woken up by my body in labor! The new med workend and kick started my body into labor on its own! Here we go! 
At 4:30pm it was time to push! 
After 20mins, six sets of pushes our daughter was in our arms

June 23rd 2012
7lbs 12oz

The most beautiful girl in the world. We are so in love.