Thursday, February 16, 2012

Okay, It's Week 23, What Fruit Are We?...

Well this week marks the beginning of my 6th month of pregnancy. Do not get me started on how 23 weeks equals the 6th month. That is an argument no one is going to win. They say "if you go by calendar weeks, well then your pregnancy would be 10 months". So what? If it's ten month then it's 10 months. Doing some Crazy Voodoo OB Math and changing the numbers around on paper isn't going to change the fact that this baby is in there for 40 weeks. Okay, pet peeve aired and over with. Thank you for listening!
Some of you may have heard of my CAKE addiction I had a few weeks back. Yep, CAKE!! The craving only lasted for a week and it was glorious! I even woke up one morning thinking the following "Pineapple Upside Down CAKE!! Yes, that is EXACTLY what I need" and I've never even had it before! So explain that one. Pictured above is the Cupcake version I made. Don't worry, I shared them with friends. Judging by the look on their faces when I showed up unannounced on their doorstep with a plate full of these babies, they are enjoying my cravings as well.
And here's a picture of me from this morning at Week 23. This week's Fruit Size is anyone's friggin guess. I think they are running out of ideas. One source says a Large Mango, but I've already had Mango week so that's lame. Another source says a Doll. What? You can't just throw Doll in there in the middle of fruit!
Wk 11/Lime, Wk 15/Naval Orange, Wk 19/Mango, Wk 23/Pomegranate
So there, take that, I declare this week Pomegranate week! Who's gonna argue with me?

It must be pretty obvious that I'm preggo, the Fed Ex lady just now delivered a package to me and asked how much longer I had. When I said June 15th she looked suprised and said "You don't have twins in there do you"? Nope just one happy girl I replied. That brief exchange marks my very first encounter with a stranger taking notice and making a comment. I guess there's no hiding it now! Bring on the comments, I'm ready!!
Well, as long as there's either CAKE or a Chocolate Malt Milkshake afterwards!
Mmmm, milkshake!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Good Morning!
Mmmm, Grapefruit with a side of creativity. Trying to immerse myself in some inspiration.
I find that paint samples are a huge help in feeding the eyes as well as the soul.
The new Frederick Magazine came out yesterday and I'm SO excited! This is the issue that the whole town got to vote for "The Best of" in all categories from restaurants to museums. I'll be filling my calendar with lots of new fun experiences before this baby comes.

Stay creative, no matter if you only have 5 mins while you eat your Grapefruit!