Completely unexpected Fireworks from two streets over that rivaled any show I've seen in many many years.
Standing on our front stoop we had to shout to hear each other. When it was finally over after nearly 20 minutes the entire neighborhood erupted in applause.
Our 8 tomato plants were beginning to burst with lovely green maters.
The best flowers are those you never planted.
Those that greet you one day and bring a smile to your face.
Almost too brilliant to capture in photo form.
Lots of sewing took place! Cup Cozy anyone?
Sunflowers that I planted were finally taller than me and beginning to bloom.
A new adventure on every petal.
There's nothing that will bring a smile and feeling of warmth and well being quicker than a Sunflower in your own back yard.
Not all Sunflowers are yellow you know.
They brought me such joy that I turned them into a card and envelope!
Creativity in general overflowed in the month of July. A rare peak at exactly what that looks like here at the Artistic Bean Studio. Everything you need to make a happy, happy girl!