Thursday, June 03, 2010

Late at Night a Leopard Moth Takes Flight...

At dusk The Bear and I took our Moth out onto the porch and opened the lid to his bug hunt and proceeded to sit and stare. Bear laughed at me, sitting there in my chair with my chin in my hands, eyes wide open just waiting for something to happen. Nothing did. Not even so much as a twitch of a toe. I finally gave up and came inside, thinking that perhaps he needed some private/quiet time to soak in the great outdoors. I kept peaking out the window but still nothing changed. 10:30pm came and went. 11:30pm came and went, still not even a toe wiggle. Finally Bear had to go to bed as he has to rise early and go to work. I was determined to stay up and watch what would happen. At 12:10am I went out on the porch with a journal and a glass of water and just sat there a wrote about the days events when suddenly out of the corner of my eye there was movement! I sat wide eyed with anticipation. His first few movements were shaky and unsure then with a stumble and a thrust he was over the lip of the container and on the ground. He flopped around a bit then as if drunk, he made a zig zag dash for the nearest bush (only 3feet away). He made it to the base of the bush and quickly and skillfully climbed to the top of a sturdy branch where he beat his wings several times then just sat there. With some quick thinking and very creative photography that included a scrap of red fabric, a rubber band and a flashlight I am proud to give you the last night time photo of our dear friend. I went inside for a moment to take my camera inside and upon returning outside, as if goodbyes were just too hard, he was gone. All grown up he took flight into the night and was out of our lives forever.
Ever since he made his cacoon I have been dying to take a peak inside so now that he was gone I took his leaves and stick out of his bug house to see what it looked like.

I carefully unwrapped it like a tiny package. It was really well constructed. Not as easy to unwrap as one might think.

I like this picture a lot. Can you see what used to be his face when he was a Woolly Bear?
This whole entire process from start to finish has been an utter joy. I'm so glad I could be there to see his first steps into nature and watch him beat his wings. Pure freedom.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Woolly Bear Adventure Part 4 the Giant Leopard Moth...

Remember this little guy from 3 weeks ago? Well I've been carefully and oh so patiently waiting to see who would emerge from the chrysalis. I checked on him every morning and night. Tomorrow would mark 3 weeks exactly since he popped his skin and turned into the chrysalis. I checked on him this morning and not really any changes to note. While on the phone with my mum this afternoon I just casually wandered by his bug hut and GUESS WHAT? This is what I saw!
Look at that adorable pudgy belly! I wish that I could pet it cause it looks so silky soft.

I took him in his bug hut outside to photograph him in the natural sunlight but I was afraid at first to open the lid so this pic is taken through the plastic cover. If something went wrong and he got away I wanted at least some sort of photo evidence. Now that's good thinkin.

When viewed at certain angles you'll notice some of his "black" spots are actually a brilliant irridescent blue/green.

I carefully unzipped the lid and poked my camera inside for a closer view.

Simply breathtaking. Now you see the blue.

Now you don't.

I wish I could get a picture of his wings outstretched. But I refuse to touch him. I'm very respectful of his personal space. I mean really, think about it. He just woke up after 3 long hard weeks of transforming, a strange giant creature carries you out into the bright light and shoves this weird camera thing in your face. That's gotta be weird right? I wonder, does he remember me? We did spend some nice quality time together.

One last final belly shot after I zipped him back in. Tonight at dusk we will take him out and open the lid and wait for him to take flight out into nature. We are surrounded by old growth trees and it's sorta quiet here in the evening considering we live in the city. He should have a very good chance of finding a mate and starting this life cycle all over again. I'm so very glad that I did this. This has truly brought me such great joy. I hope you've had fun following along. You truly never know what adventures await you just steps from your very door. You don't have to wander for days out in the woods to find wonders of nature, just step outside and look around. That's all I did and I can't stop squealing with excitement because of it.