Howdy dear beloved readers. Spring is in the air and my camera finger is gettin pretty darn itchy after our dreary winter that seemed to last forever. But, before I get to posting the magic that is the Cherry Blossom Spring we are just getting into I thought I'd give you a wee little update.
Before our last snow storm I had announced that The Bear, Beanie and I had officially begun house hunting. Well for those of you who haven't already heard I thought that I'd better let you know that we will be staying here in our apartment for another year.
Long and complicated story short, the housing market here in the DC Metro area is s*&t. So, we have signed another year lease, bought ourselves a HUGE, larger than Christ himself TV (55" LED) oh ya baby, it makes living in this place for another year seems almost like an actual choice we made instead of a result of a crap market where people think that mold is a feature.
Sadly, I don't think anyone in this apartment is quite as upset about living here for another full year as Beanie. She had her toes crossed in the hopes that that perfect backyard was soon to come. I can't really blame her however, I mean, 1 year for us is as you know, 7 years for her. Poor Dear.