The main reason that there has been radio scilence around here is that The Bear and I have been Officially House Hunting! Yay! With that said, man it takes a TON of your time. The housing market around here is just drive you nuts crazy. I will not bog this blog down with all the boring details but just know that it's emotional and exhausting. I'm sure that many of you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Come this May The Bear and I will have been married for a full decade! I think it's just about time we settled down and signed up for this thing they call "A Mortgage" and put down some property roots, don't you? We've had our fun criss crossing the nation apartment to apartment and we are finally in a position to take "Making a House a Home" seriously. I think that all our family and friends are happy at the thought that we'll hopefully finally have an actual "Guest Room" for them to stay in unlike the air mattress on the floor of the Den/Living Room they've been accustomed to all these years.
I also appologize for the lack of pictures in this post but rest assured that once we finally nab a house there will be lots of pictures to share. So far we have looked at hundreds (not an exageration) of houses on line, about 16 in person, have been interested in about 4 of them and actually placed a bid on one only to find it was already sold and we are cuttently waiting to hear back on our most recent bid. The situation changes so often that it would be impossible to keep you up to date here so until there's something serious to report just know that we are plodding along. I can't even tell you what town we are looking in as that too changes from morning to night depending on what's coming on the market. I can tell you however that we are looking in Maryland surrounding DC. We have given up on Virginia. Please don't take it personally Virginia, it's us, not you! You've been good to us, it's just that we feel that we'd prefer to go back to our Ex, Maryland! We'd like to remain friends and still see you from time to time.
So dear Readers, what has the first full month of this New Year been like for you? Anything new and exciting happening in your lives? I'd love to hear about it. Drop me a line and let's chat.