Night had fallen, the snow was still coming down by the cloud full. I was on the porch shoveling a path for Weiner the Wonder Dog to use as a potty pad. I spied a person across the street playing around in the snow picking up sticks and looking at them very intently as if to inspect them for a very specific purpose. "That's weird" I thought to myself but went about my shoveling till The Bear came out and asked what was going on in the street. I walked out to get a better view through the trees and flying snow and this is what I found...
There seemed to be a figure standing in the median strip of the street. What could it be? A snow covered peoplecicle? I just had to know, so I grabbed my camera, a coat and boots and went out to investigate. Why it was a snow person! A Guerilla Artists had struck under the cover of night. A lone snow person in the middle of the street in the middle of the night and in the middle of a Blizzard. How cool is that?
It even was complete with legs! Once I turned on my flash you could really see the snow was still flying.
I'm so glad that I suited up and ventured out to document this wonder. I could just imagine how much joy he/she was going to bring everyone. The snowplowers would see it and smile. Children waking up in the morning would be greeted and inspired. It just really made me smile to know that someone had taken the time to make this winter wonderland a little bit more special.
UPDATE: I am VERY sorry to report that when I woke up the next morning some A Hole had completely destroyed him/her. Nothing remained but a crumpled pile of snow and boot prints. I'm just glad that I was there to capture the moment and enjoyed it while it lasted.