First let me say that I am sorry for my absense here lately. For some reason I felt that I hadn't been up to anything that you all would find of interest. Then tonight I decided to download my camera photos and low and behold there were some interesting pictures to share. Since my family is mostly in Ohio this will be hard for them to look at. I was informed that while I have been enjoying mid 60 degrees and blossoming Cherry Trees they just got another round of snow! Yikes! Sorry everyone, but I just had to share, enjoy.
Some mornings when Weiner the Wonder Dog and I step out the door she takes me for the long loop walk and it turns into a good photo. Here is a picture of the bench by our apartment's management office with small Cherry tree. Oh how I love Spring. I'm not too much of a what you would call a girlie girl but Spring makes me fall in love with pink all over again, year after year.
Here is my street. You can't help but smile when you step out the door and are greated by this sight.
Thank goodness for my Weiner the Wonder Dog. She gets me up off the couch each evening rain or shine to stroll down the street, stretch my legs and get some fresh air. This day just happend to be a chilly one so she wasn't too much of a happy camper waiting for me to take some pictures. She just wanted to get back in and get warm. Wussy. She hasn't learn you have to suffer for your art!
Have you EVER seen such a sad sight? I mean really. If she knows nothing else in this world she knows how to lay on the guilt. What a pathetic sight. Sittin on the arm of the couch next to my seat, just waiting for me to sit down and pet her. She hopes that you write a comment and rally for her cause. She wants to raise awareness for all those pups out there that aren't getting nearly as much love as they feel they deserve.