For those of you who join us in the love for
The Colbert Report you may be jealous to know that the famous portrait is visiting us in DC!!! If you are a fan then you are aware that the portrait is currently enjoying a limited visit in the National Portrait Gallery. Brian and I decided to take the metro to Chinatown and visit Stephen in his temporary home! When you walk into the museum the gaurd looks inside any bags that you may be carrying and when he was done looking through my suitcase of a purse he looked up at me and asked if I was there to see Stephen and proceeded to point us in the right direction which for those of you who haven't heard is the second floor bathroom! Yep, that's right he's in the bathroom. When you walk down the hall you will encounter a group of people gathered to take a peak of Stephen who is above the drinking fountains outside the doors to the restrooms.
How could we even think of going and not taking a picture? So much fun!
I, Rachel Mohler have art in the National Portrait Gallery in DC!!!! If you go room E251 and view the visitor's log you will find a sketch of mine. How cool is that?
Here is my quick pen sketch of the arrangement on the table behind the visitor's log.
Here's the inspiration for my wonderfully beautiful NPG sketch!